torsdag 18. juni 2009

Ansa Travel Insurance

Just a short comment after my talk with Gouda. They are generous enough to cover up to 1000 kr ($150) in dental costs... Wow! That really helps if I need a root canal.

So to all you Norwegians reading this and considering getting Ansa (Gouda) Travel Insurance when going abroad - don't.

2 kommentarer:

  1. In Jordan 1000 kr would have been just enough for a root canal, you know, because Jordan vet hvordan! :)

  2. No other norwegian travel insurance would give you more than that. Maybe you should have read your insurance policy and terms?

    Dette med kr. 1000 er en standard sum i norsk forsikring. Det er kun hvis du blir skadet i ulykke og får skadet tennene at du får større erstatning. Ved vanlige tannplager er det ingen norske forsikringsselskap som gir noen større erstatning.
