onsdag 29. september 2010

Day 26: The city of brotherly love

Drive of the day: (map)

The drive from King of Prussia to Philadelphia is pretty short - and after some less than skillful driving through the streets of Philadelphia we found some parking downtown. Philadelphia is the sixth most populous city in the United States (on the trip we've visited 1st (New York), 3rd (Chicago) and 6th (Philadelphia)).

Philadelphia was the first capital (1790-1800) of the United States and the home of the signings of both the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. On our short trip to Philly we visisted both the Liberty Bell (no we did not lick it) and the House of Independence (no we did not visit the roof).

After getting a short lecture in history at the House of Independence we went over to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. So you must be thinking - finally some culture - but alas... that's not why we went there. The stairs in front of the museum is more famous than the museum itself - and that is only because of the Rocky. These are the famous stairs from the movie - and Erlend had to do a remake....

Philly was pretty cool, but our next goal was Intercourse. Not that type of intercourse, but the Amish city of Intercourse. We saw lot's of people driving carriages and having strange outfits - it kind of felt like driving into a different time period - at least if it had not been so commercialized...

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