torsdag 16. september 2010

Day 13: A drive to Chicago

Dagens rute: (kart)

Our plan was to get up early and drive to Milwaukee - didn't happen. First of all we slept longer than expected, second of all we spent three hours booking hotels in Chicago, Ann Arbor and New York. So after a quick lunch at the Quarterback Club in Northfield (a place we used to go when I was in the states) we hit the road with Milwaukee in mind.

The only problem was that what we were going to see in Milwaukee would already be closed for the day when we got there. So.... we decided to drive to Chicago instead. And that's what we did.

In Chicago we met up with one of Simon and mine old friends from Cairo, Suzanne. We got to try out both the local beer and a local custom BYOB (bring your own beer). For us it is kind of strange experience going to a liquer store, buy beer and then bring the beer with you to a restaurant. The explanation for this is that it is so expensive to have a liquer license to sell alcohol at restaurants that a lot of places rather do it like this..

As mentioned we also tried the local beer, Goose Island. The have four different varieties and I must admit that none of them were really good, and only one of them were decent....

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