It's been way to long since I last updated my blog. Sorry to all my faithful followers (all three of you). I promise to do better.
So what has happened since last update? A little bit of everything I guess. I'll do a short, or maybe long, chronological update.
So last update was exactly a week ago. Most of last week was pretty much the same every day. Work - Tennis - TV - Bed....
But work wise it is becoming more and more fun. Last week I worked on making recommendation towards what type of affiliates system Faculte should work on and what actors we should contact. And I have gotten myself a title: Business Development Manager - sure will look good on my resume...
On wednesday we went and saw Transformers 2 - Rise of the fallen, and it was a decent movie. Not as good as the Hangover or the first Transformers movie, but worth watching. (
My tooth was still hurting last week so on Thursday I got myself a root canal. Did not hurt at all and the dentist was really good, but expensive. Close to $1300 and then I'll need to get a crown after that...very najs
After my trip to the dentist we all went to Berkeley for school. I found (or was shown to) the best Yoghurt/Icecream place I have ever been to... sooooo goood. Lots of fresh fruits and stuff... ( If you're ever close to one of these - buy one...
School was also pretty fun. I was knocked up on lots of vicodin so I found myself being pretty active in class. Do not remeber if I where saying anything productive, but at least I was there.
Friday was another workday and we went out in Mountain View afterwards. A pretty fun night out at a small bar. I will try to get hold of some pictures (my camera is still broken - I must consider buying a new cheap one) and show you all.
Saturday we (Paal, Peder, Brit, Haowen and I) went and saw Oakland A's lose to the Colorado Rockies, but for most of us going it was a new experience and pretty fun.
That was everything I guess - oh, wait - I got sunburned like a ... yesterday at the beach in Santa Cruz... For some reason I though sunscreen on the back of my legs where overrated... No pictures - and that might be a good thing..
So long and thanks for all the fish
mandag 29. juni 2009
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