søndag 27. juni 2010

Planning a trip...

I am back in my hometown of Notodden for close to two weeks, and as my fellow Road Tripper Erlend lives in Notodden it is the perfect opportunity to do some planning.

To summarize what we know so far:

- We will arrive in Las Vegas on September 3rd of this year
- Tyler might fly down there and hook up with us
- We plan to drive through Death Valley and Yosemite on the way to San Francisco (no drinkin' in LA)
- Hopefully we will have a floor or a sofa to crash on in SF
- There are two possible routes after that (either through Sacramento - Reno - Salt Lake City -Yellowstone or Portland - Seattle - Yellowstone)
- We will be looking for bears and wolves in Yellowstone
- Hopefully there will be a rodeo in Cody, Wyoming
- We will rock Deadwood, South Dakota
- I will be back in Northfield shortly after the Jesse James Days 2010 (probably won't make it to the beer tent though)
- Next stop Chicago
- On september 18th we hope to be at the Big House attending University of Michigan vs. University of Massachusets
- Oh Canada
- On september 25th we hope to be at Yankee Stadium attending Yankees vs Red Socks
- too much spare time - what to do
- We will be going back to Norway on October 3rd

... to be continued

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